Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do Runners Want all the Attention?

The Wall Street Journal recently featured a blog post by Chad Stafko entitled “OK, You’re a Runner. Get Over It”.  I will post this blog at the bottom of this post, but I would also like to summarize the content of Stafko’s piece.  Essentially, Stafko believes that runners are completely self-indulgent and have an innate need to let everyone know that they are runners.  As a runner, I do agree to a certain extent.  Runners do like to flaunt their athletic achievements.  However, I would also argue that non-runners also spur a lot of this hype.  Running is a sport that everyone can relate to; we have all run the mile in gym class at some point.  To the average Joe, running a marathon is quite an accomplishment and honestly deserves some form of acknowledgement.  To this extent, I think there is a general curiosity by non-runners which can be misconstrued for self promotion by many runners.   

However, Stafko seems to think that runners are completely self indulgent athletes who are always seeking special treatment and a pat on the back.  Stafko goes on to explain why runners are attention craving athletes through many ridiculous “examples”.  

Stafko’s first example of how ridiculous the running culture has become is that there are a variety of running magazines that runners can read about.  Uh, of course there are.  There are dedicated magazines for any sport imaginable.  How are you going to seriously bash the sport of running because there are dedicated running magazines?  That just makes no sense.

Next, Stafko seems to think that it is appalling that runners can go shopping at, wait for it, running stores.  Why not just go shopping at a large athletic store, Stafko asks.  If Stafko had actually done his research, he would have realized that the service you receive in a big box sports store is wildly different than what you get in a running speciality store.  These running specialty stores do make money, because there is a huge market for them.  As Stafko mentioned earlier in his post, race registrations have show a huge boom in the last couple years.  Stafko seems unable to understand that if race registrations boom, the demand for running apparel and shoes will go up, also.  Pretty deep thinking there.

The next, and by far the utmost ridiculous statement that Stafko makes is that runners wear running apparel to be identified as runners and congratulated on their accomplishments.  Stafko writes “Why would someone want to get up at 5 a.m. and run 10 miles adorned with fluorescent tape to avoid being struck by someone who has the good sense to use a car for a 10-mile journey?I have a theory. There is no more visible form of strenuous exercise than running. When runners are dashing down a street in the middle of town or through a subdivision, they know that every driver, every pedestrian, every leaf-raker and every person idly staring out a window can see them”.  So let me get this right.  Runners are getting out of bed at 5 A.M. when it is most likely to be dark outside, in hopes of getting noticed because of their bright clothing.  They definitely would not be wearing bright clothing to avoid getting hit by cars.  No, they are deliberately trying to receive attention from their peers.  That makes a lot more sense.  I normally go running at 5 AM when I want attention, too.  

Stafko seems to have a personal grudge against runners that manifests itself in his blog post.  It seems that I have a personal grudge against Stafko, which has manifested itself in this blog post.  If you are going to bash runners, make some reasonable arguments, do not simply go spewing ridiculous examples of why runners are self promoting athletes.  This post did a great job of attracting attention to the WSJ, however.  Over 800 comments alone on this article show some serious engagement from some angry runners.  

Copy of Stafko’s Article

OK, You're a Runner. Get Over It

Running a marathon is hard enough without also patting yourself on the back every step of the way.

Nov. 12, 2013 6:35 p.m. ET
There is one kind of bumper sticker I see almost daily here in my small Midwestern town: a small oval printed with "26.2" or "13.1." In case you're lucky enough not to know what these numbers represent, let me explain: They indicate that the driver or someone in the car has run a marathon (26.2 miles) or a half-marathon (13.1 miles).
There is only one reason running aficionados display the stickers. They want the rest of us to know about their long-distance feats. So let me be the first to offer my hearty congratulations. I'd even offer to give them a pat on the back—once they're done doing it themselves.
What's with this infatuation with running and the near-mandatory ritual of preening about it?
Almost every day I see people running: in the city, through subdivisions or out on country roads. They're everywhere and at all times, from dawn until dark, their reflective gear flickering along the road.
Getty Images
I thought I was imagining this spike in running's popularity, but that's not the case. According to the group Running USA, there were some 15.5 million people who finished running events in 2012, compared with approximately 13 million in 2010. These 15.5 million are hoofing it through marathons, half-marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks, fun runs, night runs, charity runs and what can only be labeled as insane ultramarathon runs of 50 miles or more.
When they're not out there sweating through the miles, they can relax with a running magazine. There is Runners World, with its 660,000 subscribers, but also Running Times, Trail Runner, Runner's Gazette and several others. Reading. About running.
Or these runners, when they're not running, can go shopping—at a running store. There's one such store less than 15 miles, or better said, just a bit over a half-marathon, from my house. It sells only running equipment and apparel. The store has been in business several years, so apparently it is making money.
This "equipment," of course, is nothing but shoes and clothes. You can buy these same shoes at a sporting-goods store or online, probably for much less.
But the clothes—well, that's a different story. Many of the shirts on the racks have running logos, motivational slogans and images of stick people running.
Like the 26.2 and 13.1 bumper stickers, this apparel serves a clear purpose: We can look at them and immediately know that the person wearing it is a runner—perhaps even an accomplished one.
I have several friends who are runners, or at least I did before writing this. Some have completed marathons in Nashville and Washington, D.C. One even ran the Boston Marathon.
A few days ago, one of these running friends said, after describing a recent run: "Why do I keep doing this?" I have no idea.
Why would someone want to get up at 5 a.m. and run 10 miles adorned with fluorescent tape to avoid being struck by someone who has the good sense to use a car for a 10-mile journey?
I have a theory. There is no more visible form of strenuous exercise than running. When runners are dashing down a street in the middle of town or through a subdivision, they know that every driver, every pedestrian, every leaf-raker and every person idly staring out a window can see them.
These days, people want more than ever to be seen. This is the age of taking a photo selfie and posting it on Facebook with the announcement that you're bored—in the hope that someone will "like" that information. People want attention and crave appreciation. If you're actually doing something like running—covering ground, staying healthy, almost even having fun—what better way to fulfill the look-at-me desire? The lone runner is a one-person parade. Yay.
OK, I know, this isn't the case for all runners. Many of my friends who regularly run have done so for years, decades before there was a thing called social media to put humanity's self-absorption in overdrive. These folks also tend to be infatuated with fitness anyway. If they're not out on the streets showing the sedentary world how it's done, they're at the gym or in a spinning class.
But what about the others? You can spot them, wandering through the mall or killing time at Starbucks, proudly wearing their "[Fill in the blank] 5K Run" T-shirts. They're getting what they want, without losing a drop of sweat.
I saw a great new bumper sticker the other day. It read 0.0. I'll take one of those, please.
Mr. Stafko is a writer living in Freeburg, Ill.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Easy Senior Year is a Daydream

Wow, Senior year in college is much different than Senior year in High School.  After gaining acceptance to Saint Joseph’s University and several other schools as a High School Senior, the schoolwork did not seem to carry the same weight as it previously had.  Fast forward four year to Senior year in college, and the exact opposite is actually true.  So far, the first semester of Senior year has been the most taxing and demanding semester I have ever been through.  Coming into the year, almost any person that you talk to will remind you, yet again, to make the most of your Senior year because it is the last year of the best four years of your life.  I have heard enough people tell me that exact line, but Senior year has not been all fun and games.  My two Senior capstone courses: Business Policy and Marketing Strategy.  These courses have provided an ample amount of schoolwork that have demanded a lot of my attention.  As capstone courses, they have demanded the majority of my time, although my other classes are not cupcakes (Social Media Marketing!).  

Combine this workload with being a student-athlete and I have been quite pressed for time.  Coming into this semester, I did not expect to be spending almost every night in the library.  However, this semester has been the most rewarding semester academically.  I feel that I am absorbing and learning more new and exciting information than ever before.  Part of this has to do with the fact that 3 of my 5 classes are business courses, as I have completed most of my general requirements.  By your Senior year, you are mostly interested in taking classes that pertain to your major or field of interest.  This semester has made me prioritize and make great use of my time.  These skills will certainly help me in the long run, as I look to apply for a job and move in the real world.  Yes, the real world.  Amid this extremely busy semester, I have been enjoying the work and some of my last days in college.  Looking forward to next semester….

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Business of Running

Running is a pretty boring sport to watch.  As a runner, I find it pretty interesting to watch my sport on television, but I definitely reside in the small minority.  Additionally, attending live running events, mainly track races, has a loyal but small following.  The question that I present is how to push the sport of running out to the masses successfully?

Much of the reason that track meets are not popular on is because of the TV coverage by the major networks.  There are not many major track meets that get national exposure on television, and the ones that do end up receiving subpar broadcasting quality, scaring away the small amount of viewers that take a chance and watch a track meet in the first place.  Often times, the broadcast will cut out right in the middle of a track event that is taking place.  What a great way to engage viewers.  Could you imagine if CBS cut out the broadcast of a 2 min drill during the NFL playoffs?  That would obviously never happen and highlights the difference in treatment and engagement between the two sports.  Track needs to concentrate on the high profile events and provide uninterrupted streaming for these events.  Next, the announcement during track meets is absolutely atrocious.  Tom Hammond is the worst announcer I have ever heard on a major sports broadcast.  The announcers, in general, do not know their stuff.  Often times, they focus on one athlete for an entire race.  Simple mistakes such as misidentifying athletes during a race hurt the credibility of announcers.  Watching a track meet can be pure torture because of the subpar announcing.

As for live events, there are two key ways that I believe can help track meets gain popularity.  Both of these beliefs are spoken often by Nick Symmonds, who earned a Silver Medalist at the World Championships in 2013.  Track meets must integrate two aspects to the live events: beer and gambling.  The fact that track meets do not have beer in their stadiums is almost the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard.  What other major sporting event does not provide beer for its fans?  Probably no live sporting event that actually makes a lot of money at its games.  Being able to relax and have a beer at games would be a great way for meet organizers to boost revenues and add value for fans.  I would like to see the uproar that would happen if an NFL game stopped serving beer.

Secondly, gambling on track meets should be instituted.  As Nick Symmonds says, this allows you to have a horse in the race that you can root for.  What a great way to drive fan engagement!  You show up to the track, place a bet on your runner, and go into the stands and cheer hard for him.  I would venture that watching runners compete at a track meet is just as exciting as watching horses run around an oval.  Permitting gambling would also help drive revenues up and drive fan engagement.